Tuesday, June 22, 2010

More mentally defective ravings from Rudy de Haas

I'll spare you the link, since the idiot "Paul Murphy" doesn't deserve the traffic, but I'll give you the comments from lingamaha, who sums it up fairly well on the IV SCOXQ.PK message board;


"Re: Paul Murphy heaves out another oddity & PJ rips him a new one

This "Murphy" guy is even more stupid than I thought possible.

I understand that all he writes is pure FUD. But even FUD needs some internal consistency.

Some of his claims are:

1) Linux has been filled up with Unix code by sloppy Novell developers.
2) Novell "won" its Unix copyright from the peaceful SCO which never meant any harm.
3) Whoever buys Novell may sue Linux users using the Unix copyrights as a weapon

I will not even comment the lack of though which made it impossible to "Murphy" to grasp that it would be much cheaper to buy SCO if it turned out to be the owner of the dangerous MacGuffin.

However I will comment one important point which is well beyond the "Murphy" level of legal comprehension. If it was Novell which was the party guilty if polluting Linux with Unix, the evil party which bought Novell would have to sue itself to start with."

You can see the biffslapping that PJ gives this pitiful MSFT shill de Haas here;
