Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Which pro-se lunatic is the deranged Yahoo stalker, again?

Here, all this time, many of us that have followed the failed extortion scheme/stock scam known as SCOX were under the impression that the entity responsible for all of the multiple pro-SCOX nyms, and the misogynistic, homophobic, racist, and imbecilic posts from those nyms, was none other than failed pro-se litigator, Jeff Merkey; and, let's face it, he's had a well-documented history of this behavior, some of which has been enshrined for posterity by Judge Schofield. (Which you can read at Groklaw, here.)

Well, someone has found some new info which, if confirmed, points to a totally different pro-se loony litigant; Daniel Wallace!!! Yes, the best fry cook in the country, who, despite his mastery of physics, has managed to have his ass handed to him every single time he has gone to court over the GPL. It's as bad a biffslapping as SCOXQ.PK has been getting, for almost the same length of time. Here's a posting about it by mandelbrain on the IV board;


"Isn't it a riot to watch Murphy participate in a game of fragmentation grenades while inside a steel barrel."


But not as much fun as perusing Y! SCOX and learning that one of the long time trolls may be none other than Daniel Wallace working at Ikon. Oh, gee, what a surprise. The guy who writes "congrats to SCO" and "I wish SCO success" is the very same guy who genuinely believes that people should not be able to steal proprietary code, but if code is released under GPL then it should be fair game to steal.

Both fun events within just a few days of each other.

I wouldn't be surprised if Paul Murphy had also been a long time troll. Or possibly MoG.

What can make someone so passionate about something that is so dishonestly wrong? I learned from B5 that monsters do not look in the mirror and see monsters. They think they are doing right. I may never understand it."

I think that this is too hilarious for words. If it's really him, I have some advice for Mr. Wallace - better duct tape that paper hat in place; you're in for a hell of a ride, Danny Boy!

(Note - I still think the peyote-addled moron is at least one of the trolls, and it's pretty likely that he's virtually all of them, but time will tell.)