Tuesday, March 30, 2010

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! Eat it, fuckers!!!

(a modified posting of romanianconnection over at IV)

Here's a big middle finger to SCO, Darl McBride, Kevin McBride, Ralph Yarro, Jeffrey Vernon Merkey, Laura Didio, biff, "Kenneth R. Saborio", Ryan Tibbetts, Jeff Hunsaker, Maureen O'Gara, Rudy de Haas/Paul Murphy, Roger Parloff, Kenneth Brown/AdTI, Mike Anderer, David Boies, Brent Hatch, Blake Stowell, Dan Lyons, Rob Enderle, Chris Sontag, Dan Wallace and his paper fry king hat, Sandeep Gupta, Gregory Blepp, Sun (for their stupid "license purchase"), Ledite, Brian Skiba, TreyCC, John Ferrell, Microsoft, and any/every one else that fostered/supported this ridiculous scam.

You lost; it's supposed to taste like a shit sandwich. With crow. Enjoy!!!

Would you like the combo with that?