Friday, April 20, 2012

Liberty University - intellectual bankruptcy at its finest

There's an opinion piece from Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA, posted on their website, and published at this address; I'm still trying to figure out if this piece was written with the intention to get virtually EVERY SINGLE POINT about the topic utterly incorrect; regardless, that's exactly what the author, a Mr. Jason Bailey, managed to accomplish. It's so far from correct, it's not even *wrong*. Because of this blatant mangling of the facts of this case, I attempted to post a rebuttal - surprisingly, they're refusing to post it. I guess I'll just have to post it here, then... ;-) My (as-yet-unposted-by-the-censors-at-Liberty-University) reply;

 "First off, you’re a bit late with this feigned outrage, as the unconstitutional school prayer has already been removed. If you’re looking for something to be outraged over, try at least pretending to be upset that people who claim to be caring and compassionate christians threatened Jessica and her family with rape, other forms of physical violence, torture, death, and an “eternity in hell”, merely for her attempt to have her school uphold the law. Here’s a few screenshots for you, in case you think I’m making this up; Oh, and did anyone *really* think an article on a website associated with Liberty University – one of the worst right wing, Talibangelical institutions in the United States – was going to end up being a factual, even-handed treatment of this subject? Sorry, facts and evidence are useless to these people. In fact, I would bet they get their interpretation of the Constitution from that pseudo-”historian”, and I use that term loosely, David Barton... who is really a christian revisionist; he’s no more a historian than Rebecca Black is an award winning soprano."