Thursday, May 26, 2011

Special message for Darl McBride, Ralph Yarro, and all the supporters/enablers of the SCO Group fiasco...

"IT IS ORDERED THAT, pursuant to Section 12(j) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the registrations of each class of registered securities of Sabratek Corp., San Holdings, Inc., Scantek
Medical, Inc., SciLabs Holdings, Inc., The SCO Group, Inc., and SinoFresh Healthcare, Inc.,
are hereby REVOKED."




From a post on the IV board by hamjudo2000;

"Yarro's 5,531,855 shares are as worthless today, as they ever were, but now it is official.

5,531,855 shares at $0.00 per share works out to $0.00.

Darl's 32,996 shares are worth $0.00, he actually paid for some of his shares.

In 2008, Darl had 957,916 options; my Black - Scholes option pricing model shows that those options are now officially worth $0.00. "

Ha ha, motherfuckers. Justice is at least partially done. Can't wait for your perpwalks, you sons of bitches!!! LOL!!!